- Delegate Cap. We have suggested 350 but it could be slightly more or less. The argument for more is all about representation, but we should remember that only five entities need to be represented at the BUC Session, the two conferences and the three missions. Also, more delegates does not necessarily mean better democracy, as it is always a small minority who actually get time to speak. Read this article to see how many delegates were needed for a very large Union session in another part of the world in 2015. The proposal could be as follows:
PROPOSED: To accept a total delegate cap of 350 and to include this figure in Article 6 (a) of the proposed new BUC Constitution. If a higher or lower number is preferred, this would simply replace the number 350. - Preliminary Meetings. Should we keep the current system, where the Recommendations Committee meets at least 18 weeks before the Session; should we take a flexible approach which gives the Executive Committee the prerogative to adjust the timings as it feels appropriate; or should we go back to the old system where all of these committee meetings take place at the Session? The proposal could be as follows:
PROPOSED: To adopt a flexible approach to the timing of the constituency meeting committees, allowing the Executive Committee to decide when they should meet in relation to the constituency meeting, and to write this into Article 7 of the proposed new BUC Constitution.Note that the detailed wording for each option can be seen in these documents:- Current - committees start at least 18 weeks prior to the constituency meeting.
- Flexible - Executive Committee decides when to hold the preliminary committees.
- Session - committees meet at the BUC constituency meeting, though the Recommendations Committee can be appointed earlier if desired. This is equivalent to the "old" system that operated before 2009.
- TED members of the BUC Executive Committee. Currently all three TED executive officers are full members of the BUC Executive Committee, and therefore also trustees of the charity. Options available to us are: 1. Have no TED officers as full members of the Executive Committee. 2. Leave it as it is, with all three executive officers of the TED as full members of the BUC Executive Committee. 3. Have just one TED executive officer as a full member of the Executive Committee. Note that even if they are not full members, the three TED officers, together with the officers of the General Conference, would still be permanent invitees, with voice but no vote. The proposal could be as follows:
- PROPOSED: To include all three executive officers of the Trans-European Division as full members of the Executive Committee and to include this provision in Article 8 (a).
The three alternatives can be seen in this document.
- The Whole Constitution - with the adjustments made depending on the results of votes one to three. Note that a vote to adopt the new proposed constitution requires a two-thirds majority. This vote will need to be divided into two as follows:
- PROPOSED: To adopt the proposed new BUC Constutition, subject to the amendments voted above, with the exception of the revised objects in Article 3 (a).
- PROPOSED: To adopt the revised objects in Article 3 (a) of the proposed new BUC Constutition, subject to obtaining the consent of the Charity Commission.