Current BUC Constitution
The current BUC Constitution was voted on 22 October 2021

See a pdf version of the current BUC Constitution 22 October 2021.

If you would like to look at older BUC Constitutions just select from the list below.

BUC Constitution 1 July 2016
BUC Constitution 3 July 2011
BUC Constitution 9 December 2010 (Very slight change to Article 13 of the model Missions Constitution)
BUC Constitution 17 May 2009
BUC Constitution 26 July 2006
BUC Constitution 29 July 2001
BUC Constitution 28 July 1996
Note: The BUC was registered as a charity on 10 February 1995
BUC Constitution 30 October 1994
BUC Constitution July 1991
BUC Constitution July 1986
BUC Constitution August 1981
BUC Constitution June 1976
BUC Constitution March 1967
BUC Constitution August 1954
BUC Constitution 4 April 1950
BUC Constitution 7 September 1948
BUC Constitution 28 July 1948
BUC Constitution August 1946
BUC Constitution March 1932
BUC Constitution 5 August 1928
BUC Constitution 5 August 1924